Autism Turnaround Testimonials


If you’ve asked yourself “Is recovery real?” this autism turnaround compilation is for you. It’s also for the skeptics out there. I have interviewed women from all over the world about their autism recovery journey. 
The goal is to bring you hope. This blog is created as a response to all the people who still need proof that there’s another reality than “there’s nothing you can do.”

This library will keep on growing and you will be able to find a testimonial that speaks to you because the “before” scenario was similar to your current reality. What will your transformation be like? 



This podcast episode about an unusual autism recovery journey and an extraordinary mom is not a clear-cut “before – and after” story. 
If you’re curious about what it feels like halfway into the autism recovery, what it takes, how long it takes, and what you need to do (and stop doing) to see lasting results, then this podcast episode is IT. You’ll get a rare glimpse into the life of a family still collecting pieces for the autism recovery journey and the patience, surprises, and sacrifices it’s involved so far…


Hilde has seen incredible changes in her son since he was diagnosed with autism in 2015 and gradually regressed into autism symptoms until he was COMPLETELY GONE.

The lack of sleep, eloping, lack of eye contact and stress caused suicidal thoughts, numbness, and depression for his parents. Biomedical experts helped a bit – but not enough to create lasting changes and at some point, Hilde thought that she’s run out of options to help her child. 


 But then Hilde found a way out for herself and her child (and she’s still walking on that path.)

She realized,  that she’d been a people pleaser, totally neglecting herself, detached from her body, and from feeling anything at all. She also discovered, how her own childhood trauma and the wake-up call through autism were linked.

She learned how this wake-up call from God involves her whole family and how it gives her a second chance in life while helping her son get better. 



• Her son is no longer nonverbal and eloping.
? He’s bonding, talking, and very loving/caring.
? Hilde’s relationship is no longer suffering so much because of autism parenting stress and exhaustion. 

• Hilde still has a long way to go. That’s her words, by the way, not mine. 

• And that’s exactly what makes this interview so fascinating. 

• Listen to an exceptionally vulnerable and moving conversation about going from diagnosis and hopelessness to finding sacred clues for how to recover a child from autism. 

• Hear why methyl folate and candida were preventing her son from getting better and what Hilde has learned from me,  Dr. Barendse, (who teaches inside the Autism Turnaround Course), and Dr. Mensah. 

• Learn how neglecting your own needs and being a full-time carer and people pleaser might prevent your child from healing and ruin your relationship. 

• Learn how Hilde dealt with extremely picky eating (and how you can do the same) and where she’s at today (and what she still needs to learn.)

• Remember – autism recovery isn’t a linear process. It requires patience, willingness to change almost everything in your life, AND the ability to listen to and follow the clues that God sends your way all the time. 

Watch on Youtube



TERESA of United Kingdom


Problems solved: 
Child: Extreme picky eating, learning difficulties, sensitivity to noise, not talkative. Mom: Damage after vegetarian diet, IBS, gallbladder issues, anxiety, disordered eating, Lack of self-acceptance. 

I started this journey when my son was 13 and felt it was too late, but it never is. I felt people on the course with younger children were the lucky ones, but now it’s what you make of it for yourself.
My son was a picky eater that was the most challenging thing.  I’ve realized my anxiety around food and tending to his every need affected his eating. Last year, my son ate such a limited diet; now, it’s practically everything, and he tries all sorts now. It’s like a miracle. I came from a place of stress, unhappiness, fear, and bitterness and I felt the world was against me; I was a victim.

I became sick being a vegetarian, I ended up with IBS, Gall bladder problems, and always having a crampy and bloated stomach. My Asthma was bad too.  It’s been a long journey for me to be able to eat what I do now, and it’s so different from what I was eating a few years ago.  It’s completely turned around.

My sleep isn’t interrupted at 3 am anymore I just sleep through, and so does my son, who struggled to get to sleep for years.

My son is no longer constipated since I cut out processed food, especially Quorn; what a disaster to the body.  His Ticks have stopped, and I believe grounding has been the reason. My middle son also had a tick and always coughed, and this has gone.

We eat dinner together every evening and help each other with food preparation and washing up and we chat, catching up with everyone’s day, it’s so lovely and so important.

When I ditched his iPad that drove him crazy, he learned to play the piano after I listened to one of your podcasts about you buying Bertram a keyboard. I went into the loft and dug out an old keyboard, and he loved it. Absolute saviour through the lockdown.  So thank you.

He now has a lovely grown-up keyboard and an electric guitar and his brother a drum kit. They spend quality time together playing.  If it weren’t for you, would this of happened?  Turns out he’s very musical and wants to go on to make Music at College. I mean, I worried so much about College before.

So now we can eat out at restaurants, and he deals with it all, and his brother too because he hated loud noises. 

My Daughter is happy ( had awful mental health problems) and doing a job she loves, I don’t think I could have supported her in the way I did without my own belief.  She eats healthier now as before was eating KFC all the time. We still have little fallout, but I’m the parent and can handle it better. I see so much of myself in her and realise this isn’t just about healing your child with autism it’s about healing yourself and your other children, too without you realising.

He goes to an outstanding school that supports him well, but they have said he’s become chatty, talking to adults, becoming more confident, has a lovely group of friends, and is reaching goals to do GCSEs next year.

I love the phrase, “What has Autism come to teach me”?

Patience, speaking up for myself, nature, unconditional love, being grateful for every day and every moment, cherishing experiences, and learning from them. Being compassionate. Not judging and learning from it when I do catch myself doing so.

He talks more, and we have conversations, and he answers me when I ask him a question. He still shies in public, but we are working on that, and he spoke to the barber.

He does his chores and does better self-care.

The best thing is that my anxiety was holding everything back, I was scared and walked on eggshells around my son. Now I have recovered from this way of being, my son has room to be himself and grow.

I wanted to see where this journey would take me. I wanted to see the alternatives to the system as I love a holistic approach. It’s been so worth it and I know I have the tools to get through life.

Praying has helped me feel at peace and helped me stop searching for answers everywhere.


Danielle recently watched her son deal with noise, kids screaming, and challenging and unpredictable situations WITHOUT meltdowns and that was a HUGE milestone that she wants to share with you so that you might experience the same. 

“I cried.” 

That’s how Danielle described her reaction that the day when she was finally able to take her son to an un-planned event at school and he didn’t have a meltdown.

“He didn’t push, elope or react when kids of all ages started pushing and screaming.  He also didn’t protest when he was given his usual plum, apples and healthy treats while other children ate the pizza and candy that used to give him tantrums in the past. 

Even though you might think that Danielle is lucky – in this podcast episode she describes the days when “she just cries out to God because she “simply doesn’t want to (or know how to handle) autism anymore. 

Why? Because he’s still not speaking/communicating. 

Because the progress he’s made has taken 3 years. 

Listen to my interview with Danielle here


Adriana did what they told her couldn’t be done. She turned the most stressful and devastating autism symptoms around with her son in nature by working on herself. 

We’re talking rigidity, speech issues, aggression, lack of learning and focus, lining things up, and obsessions. 

After the autism diagnosis, Adriana wasn’t offered any help from the authorities and the traditional autism mama community was not for her. 

Too much victim mentality. Too much complaining. 

In this conversation, she shares how she:

• Improved picky and rigid eating habits.

• Turned him from helpless to being able to do everything (including putting on clothes) himself.

• Fell in love with sleeping and nature (and why both now are her favorite doctors.)

• Used Mindset shifts, nature, and grounding to overcome her son’s symptoms.

• Ended tech and gaming addiction and set healthy boundaries.

• Stopped rigid and strange obsessions like lining up vegetables and fruits and obsessing over them as playmates.

• Managed to implement habits to improve sleep, eating habits, attention span, and speech.

• Went from relationship stress to peace by turning her son’s problems around.

• Worked on her own ability to speak her truth and saw her son’s speech improve.



Kelli’s incredible recovery journey with her daughter Hannah who went from having severe autism symptoms to no symptoms at all and a life in freedom as an independent adult.

How incredibly hard it was for Kelli and the family when her daughter was trapped in severe autism symptoms and the severity of her meltdowns. 

How doctors did not understand Kelli or her daughter and how it drove Kelli mad and to the point of giving up hope. 

How one tiny piece of gluten/dairy-based food sent Hannah straight into meltdowns when School or other people didn’t respect how important a clean diet was for Hannah. 

How a very person who was also a pediatric chiropractor started praying over Hannah and break generational curses.
What spirit-filled healing information feels like and how to access it.

How this person of faith saw things in spirit (Holy Spirit) when she was adjusting Kelli’s daughter and how this sacred information.

The power of words and why you must be super careful with yours if you want to turn autism around. 

God’s plan and why that’s NEVER the same as the doomsday prophecies (so don’t fall for them. )

How doctors now are admitting that know less than mothers like Kelli and therefore they are now referring people to HER. 
The danger of victim mentality. 
What God told Kelli about me (which I read out loud in the outro after the podcast interview with Kelli.)



Barefoot Autism Warriors Testimonial Arianna

Personal trainer Arianna and husband Abdul are influencers and go by the name “San Diego’s coolest parent’s and their son’s autism turnaround journey with me, proves that they ARE.

In this tear-jerking episode (we cried a lot) she shares: How it felt when experts started to evaluate her son for autism just before she found me. How she diligently trawled through Instagram and Facebook knowing that “reversing autism” would be a censored hashtag to find proof that SOMEONE had turned autism around.

The ONE THING that saved her, and made the impossible turnaround possible even after the evaluation ended up confirming the suspicion of autism. What she did to go from lack of language and connection, tippy-toe walking and classical symptoms to deep connection and these words from his teacher:

“He is no longer being evaluated for autism.” Why they switched strategy from detox, focusing on the anger and the causes of autism, vegan diets and protocols to the barefoot autism warrior’s way and why that worked so well.

The difference between then and now in Arianna’s life, nervous system, relationship and presence as a mother. What she answers when people ask “what did you do” and why most people aren’t ready for that answer 🙂 So far, no one has ever been able to listen to this podcast without crying.



An amazing conversation with Stephanie Can Ykyol – an autism mom who turned her non-verbal child, her life and her relationship around by changing her mindset completely after meeting me.

How Stephanie dealt with mainstream autism experts who worked against her when she decided to turn her child’s autism around. 

How she learned that she had to let go of Biomed, supplements and a practitioner to help her child (and the problem with b12).

The love-crisis and resistance from her husband and how working on her mindset and vibration changed her love life 100 % and how you can too.

How you can actually FEEL the vibration of healing and Stephanies best tip to try it at home. 

Why mindset and beliefs are the #1 thing to change before diet, lifestyle and nutrition and how nature played a role as well. 

The illogical and magical part of the healing journey.

Stephanie’s best advice for mom’s who are broken and on the verge of giving up which will give you hope.



What happened between November and February that lead to her partner saying: “Ninka is going to save our lives”. And how we did this together. Or rather – they saved themselves.

The synchronistic events and the role of Luke Storey. Also, how The Life Stylist Podcast episode with me lead Emma to her truth.

Moreover, the low point, the headbanging, the violence. Also, the shame and embarrassment in the nursery, supermarkets because of the meltdowns. 

Furthermore, how and when she realised he had autism. 

Especially, the autism personality that had her very worried. In addition, the extreme sensitivity that ruined their lives. 

As well as, the scary change when Otto turned the 12 months corner.

Also, feeling like a failure as a parent and the excruciating shame. 

The “typical healthy diet” that made things worse.

What it feels like to try EVERYTHING without results. Of course, the feeling of finally finding the things that worked for her child (and what it was).




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Written by Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson