Autism & Spirituality


Part 1

Asking God and being able to hear His guidance requires listening skills. 
“God spoke to me” is something many preachers and fake healers will say (and truly believe.) But it’s probably one of the most misused, abused, and manipulated phrases out there. 

In this masterclass, you’ll learn how to truly be prepared to hear from God and the real ways to determine if it’s God who’s speaking to you and directing your healing journey or if some dark entity is trying to derail you.

We can’t wait to share: 

• How to test your listening skills and the type of soil you’re cultivating (barren, choked, drenched, or fertile/bearing fruit)

• The barriers and blockers that make you deaf and superficial (prevent healing).

• The distractions and self-sabotage mechanisms fill your mind so that you can’t hear the sacred messages from God that are directing you through the turnaround process. 

• The rules and daily/weekly rituals WORK if you want direct access to the most time-saving, speedy, and peaceful recovery provider. 

Part 2

Forget synchronicity. Forget confusion. Forget guessing. Forget confusion or making mistakes. The only reason why we suffer, get distracted, get tempted into therapy, clairvoyance (God forbid) and bad decisions is that WE DON’T KNOW how God communicates and gives us instructions. 

Either because we don’t have a clear channel (and need to purify it).
Or because we need to eliminate distractions. 
Or we don’t know His Number (The F.I.R.S.T code).

In this Zoom call/bible study, you’ll get access to the book and words you need to hear from God today. Not tomorrow. 

• You will find out how He has tried to reach you through friends and family. 

• You’ll understand why you can’t get Divine instruction and success without reading the Bible. 

• You’ll learn how to love Pain because pain is the hearing aid that sharpens your ability to Hear God’s message. 

• You’ll love the code for Condemnation (Satan’s way) and Conviction (God’s message)

• You will understand how to tell the difference between God’s voice and Satan’s deception. 

• You’ll know the difference between IMPRESSION and CONDEMNATION. 

• You’ll get access to God’s justice system (and it’s very different from the Human court systems).

• And you’ll get the 5 tests to determine whether you’re truly hearing from God. 

Are you ready to find peace and understand how peace is actually THE sign that you’re pleasing and hearing from God? 

Are you eager to get rid of the heaviness of all the things you “have to do”?

Reference: For our roles as parents to our children.

Part 3

So how do you know when an idea is from God? How do you know when an idea is from Satan? How do you know when an idea is from yourself? A lot of times you’re just talking to yourself. You talk to yourself all the time because you want somebody intelligent to talk to. But be careful. If you start arguing with yourself, you have a problem. In the same manner, if you confuse your desires with what God wants you to do the results can be fatal.

• The two biggest reasons people mess up in life

• Difference between CONVICTION and CONDEMNATION

• You’ll get access to God’s justice system (and it’s very different from the Human court systems).

• And you’ll get the 5 tests to determine whether you’re truly hearing from God. 

Are you ready to find peace and understand how peace is actually THE sign that you’re pleasing and hearing from God? 

Are you eager to get rid of the heaviness of all the things you “have to do”?

Reference for: How demon influences people

Reference for: How demon influences people
Written by Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson