What if you have to step away from the people who diagnose, support, and treat autistic children? Including mainstream autism moms, support groups, practitioners, and “experts”?

I believe that these children are here to save us, not the other way around. They are highly sensitive antennas and they instantly react with severe symptoms when they experience toxic food, unnatural, artificial environments, dark people, manipulation…

Bertram before recovery

You are chosen (by God) to wake up and change your family’s life and lifestyle and that is what will change the symptoms AND bring hope for healing to other families. That’s exactly why dark forces target your child from childbirth right into adulthood. To invert and twist the plot and destroy the sacred plan for your life and keep you stuck in chaos, stress, hopelessness, and helplessness.  

• Did you know that both diagnosis procedures, therapies, and autism organisations most likely PREVENT children from getting the support they need for an independent life because of outdated approaches and HUGE gaps in knowledge? 

• Did you know that “early diagnosis” might actually mean a lesser chance for true change in life quality, turning symptoms around, and independence in the future?

• Did you know that if the people that diagnose children don’t check for (or address) the most common, underlying imbalances that cause most autism symptoms (and that they are treatable)?

• Did you know that if we follow the mainstream procedure for diagnosing, coping with, and treating autism, we unknowingly teach them to identify with the diagnosis, get caught up in the bad company, and even become easy targets for manipulation, groupthink, and impairment by symptoms for life? 

• Did you know that the prevalence of autism has doubled since 2004 (1 in 125 children were diagnosed) with 1 out of 44 children with a diagnosis?

There’s an underlying agenda/ very damaging procedures in the established autism community and it’s so bad that I am calling it “A Matrix” because it’s too crazy to be coincidental. 

The situation is made worse by a dark agenda that can only be described as a spiritual war between good and evil. It’s a war for your child’s soul (and yours).



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Written by Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson