It’s taboo – but we feel it anyway. Isolation, sadness, regret, longing, jeslousy and sometimes even bitterness. Here’s how you heal and use pain as a driver for recovery and turning your child around:
It’s ok to allow yourself to go through immense pain because autism changed our child, our lives, our expectations and our reality.
You need to allow grief to have it’s way with you.

Picture of me and my child when he had severe symptoms
But. There’s a difference between us ing grief to grow and turn symptoms around and using grief to numb yourself into acceptance and stagnation. It’s a real danger and it can change the trajectory of your life and your child’s future.

Picture of me and my son after he was turned around and lost his symptoms.
In this raw solo episode of Ninkas Barefoot Autism Warriors Podcast, let’s allow the wound to bleed. That’s how we heal. That’s how we use the grief to TURN autism symptoms around.
Listen till the end for my recent grief story and the 6 phases of healing through grief.
Ps: If you want to talk to me and come up with a gameplan for your turnaround, email me HERE and write “call me” in the subj line.