Read to the end to get a FREE distraction sheet + prayer meditation!

When Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson was in New Age Spirituality and under spiritual attacks – her mental and physical health was damaged and her children suffered, too.
Are you dealing with nightmares, hopelessness, anxious thoughts, a heavy heart and endless symptoms and problems without real solutions or change? You’re probably under spiritual attack.
When you move closer to God and closer to healing – the enemy intensifies the attempt to sabotage your effort. The motive: hate. The goal: To turn you away from God!
God doesn’t spare us from challenges and problems, but His motive is love and He always provides tools, wisdom and truth in order to give you a way out. he never challenges you beyond your capacity.

Not all healing modalities, practitioners and therapies are of God and not all distractions and false healers know that they are being used as pawns to exhaust godly autism moms.
The world is fallen and full of false teachers and false “healers” and practitioners that end up contributing to the attacks against your heart, your child, your family and your peace. And they don”t even know it. You need a strategy against this. That’s why I recorded this podcast and share my checklist and prayer meditation with you today.
Do you know how to recognise the right instructors, God’s voice and truth from the wrong instructors from the dark spiritual realm and what to do to protect yourself from them?
Don’t miss this podcast episode. Listeners receive a free checklist to check of it’s distractions (the enemy) or God that’s testing you. This is important to check if you really want to heal.
Get your copy of the FREE checklist of distractions + prayer meditation HERE.