Why Vegan diets and Medical Mediums are bad for sensitive and sick people.
This is a compilation of reasons for NOT going vegan. The least optimal (and best branded) diet for humans. I have wanted to share my views and best links, books, and podcasts on this topic for a while.
We have binged on nutritional nonsense for too long.
I feel a need for a “concept-colonic”. We’re constipated from too much junk information in the diet and holistic healing community.
In fact, the more ideology, community, indignation, and emotionally charged language you wrap around any diet…the less likely it is that it will keep you healthy long term.

Why? Because ideology, community, and emotions are known tools for cults to disconnect members from autonomy, intuition, and warning signals from the body.
I have met hundreds of parents who lost hair, hormones, sleep, sanity and saw an increase in their children’s symptoms in a vegan diet.

But they discarded the gut feeling and continued depriving the family of key nutrients because of the “programming” of diet communities and fear of ex-communication and hateful attacks.
We are designed to find food in Nature. Hunt. Gather. That’s our gig. We are designed to regulate our ever-changing dietary needs, deficiencies, and imbalances by eating different foods all the time.
We are ALL different. So are our needs on any given day. What makes one person healthy one day would damage another person’s mental and physical health.
All mammals in nature have this ability. To choose food instinctively to fit the daily need.
In fact – in the wild, goats don’t eat the same thing two days in a row. All goats in a flock eat different foods than their mates.
Humans who live off the land do the same. Kids too. They eat what they need. Picky eating is a sign of disconnect and imbalance.

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Don’t believe me? Read this book. It will blow your mind.
He also did this interview and it’s the best I have ever heard:
What has destroyed our ability to eat intuitively and self-regulate? Our caged zoo-animal indoor lifestyle is one reason.
Diet culture is another.

“Mediums and channels” with one size fit all explanations and solutions for anything are old hats. It’s dark and it’s dangerous in my opinion. It used to be a thing for cult leaders and followers. Now it’s entered into the diet and wellness culture.

There are no “safe” or “clean” channels or mediums. They are all hijacked or infiltrated by dark entities.
The Medical Medium apparently got “the cure for all diseases” directly from God? All righty then. The fact that no alarm bells are ringing is as curious as why people still trust politicians and Catholic priests.

God guides YOU to take the right steps for your healing process. False idols and middlemen like Mr. Medical Medium are DISTRACTING us from God. Making us believe that we need a middle man to access Divine guidance.
Gurus and priests have always profited from that lie.

A Vegan diet is the last thing I would ever recommend to anyone who wants to detox.
The main reasons are that metallothionein is CRUCIAL for detoxification and methylation and is absent in a vegan diet.
B12 is another nutrition that we can’t complete the detoxification cycle without and the ultimate, unmatched source of b12 is meat. Not supplements.

And then there’s the undermethylation issue.
80 % of people with ADHD, anxiety, eating disorders, and perfectionism/rigidity also often are “undermethylators” which means that they have under-active enzyme activity, neurotransmitter activation, and hormonal and detoxification imbalances.

A green, high folate intake makes these individuals more sick and more prone to cancer because they have a folate intolerance where too much folate blocks folate receptors.

This is why, when it comes to diet, what works for one person might make another person worse.
For some biotypes, vegan can work. For others, it has devastating consequences.
People who have methylation blocks ( which 80 – 90 % of people with autism, depression, seasonal allergies, OCD, eating Disorders, meltdowns, anxiety, fertility issues have) are in that Group.
For them, vegan diets, green juice detox, The Medical Medium is a disaster. It increases all their symptoms and increases the risk for cancer, severe depression, infertility, spontaneous abortions, having children with autism and learning disabilities etc.
They have folate sensitivity.
Many people experience an improvement on a vegan diet in the first to the fourth year.
Often because they skip dairy, milk, and traditional meat ( full of hormones, medicine, and pesticides).
If they had eaten real, organic veggies, berries, nuts, and meat/eggs, etc, they would have felt the same.
Also, the stress and elevated cortisol/adrenaline levels that happen in a state of survival on a vegan diet can cause a feeling of bliss and more energy for a while.
After years on that diet, most people suffer from bone loss, sleep issues, hair loss, anxiety, depression, hormonal issues, etc. Which they don’t link to their “healthy” diet.

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Again- that it works for one person and make someone better doesn’t mean that it will work for the next person or in the long run ❤️
We are all different.
Inuits in Greenland thrived on whale meat and fat.
African tribes are strong and ripped and eat meat and raw milk.
Some jungle tribes thrive on more plants.
But there are no indigenous tribes in history that survived and thrived without either fish, meat, eggs or insects.
Modern-day humans often battle against our biology.
It’s not a question of choosing between vegan/plants and crap. In fact, processed, vegetarian/vegan food is as bad as processed meat and dairy.
You can choose biodynamic, organic, free-range, and ethical meat. You don’t need to support the traditional, industrial farming and torture of animals. That’s a disgusting business. Just as the fishing industry. Sustainable fishing industry scams are scandalously common.
Vegan food is not necessarily healthy or sustainable either.
Unless it’s organic, unprocessed, and GMO-free.
Let’s eat as nature intended us to. With intelligence, respect, and wisdom.