Relieved to get your child back to school? It’s actually a RED FLAG.

A child with autism or ADHD is already in a neurological, physiological and spiritual crisis. Adding the stress and demands of school when a child is in “the dark phase of autism” can harm your long term goal (independence, a life with less symptoms and a normal life.)

I pulled my son from school for one year and focused ONLY on turning his symptoms around. Then THIS HAPPENED. 

Ninka left the city and pulled her son from school to focus on autism recovery in nature.

He jumped straight into mainstream school with his friends, made friends, learned and ended up going to high school, pass exams, learn math…AND ENGLISH. The boy that had learned NOTHING for years and did not understand or retain anything.

Autism and ADHD = crisis in mitochondria, gut, methylation, brain. 

Do you know if your child is ready for school?Is your relief or temptation to get your child into mainstream school another attempt to run away from the message behind symptoms and your WAKE UP CALL?

What if your could improve tantrums, learning, focus, retention and social skills WITHOUT the stress, EMF, noise, bullying and indoctrination in mainstream school?

Autism and ADHD = nature deficiency and a wake up call.

Mainstream school is not the answer.

No matter what the situation is for you…You can solve the problem and get the best year for learning, focus and retention for your autistic or ADHD child. 

This method (from the autism turnaround group coaching program) gotNinka-Bernadette Mauritson’s son from hyperactivity & no learning and constant complaints from teachers to mainstream school, learning, developing math skills, passing exams and finally learning new language and passing exams…

Home schooling? Your child is designed to heal in nature and at home. School comes second. 

All without homework, no speech therapy, no curriculum for home schooling. 

For me, it all started with pulling him from school when he was 7 years old…

Nervous system healing from a mom inside Ninka’s program HERE.

Ninkas Podcast interview about child-led home schooling in nature HERE.

Contact Ninka HERE.

Written by Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson