3 ways to turn this holiday into a “point of no return” and kickstart your child’s transformation.

This summer can either make life worse or a breakthrough for your child, yourself as an autism mom and your family.  I know because I have been there.

I made all the classical summer holiday mistakes because I thought I needed “a break” and it actually made my child, my family and myself sick, unhealthy, fat, sad, and scared.

In this podcast, I share the 3 ways for change for Barefoot Autism Warriors that are ONLY available to you in the summer. Don’t miss out.

These are the rules, tips, and implementable steps I took after I hit rock bottom during an autism-horror trip to Greece. I experienced the point of no return and ended up saving my child, myself, and my family.

Warning: These ways are powerful. You might end up realizing painful things about your current life and you might need to let some people go.

But just know this: If you are ready to face the hard things now, you will gain access to so much support and healing.

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Written by Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson