This podcast episode was shocking and heartbreaking to me.
Dr. Albert Mensah sat down to talk because of a tragic suicide in the community and because parents of autistic children still don’t know enough about:
?How wrong the diagnosis tools used today are and how wrong the idea: “there’s nothing you can do” is. ANd how the mainstream autism community supports this.
?How amazing the recovery rates are when you stop going to one-size-fits-all practitioners, diets, protocols, and outdated autism treatments. Even the most popular ones.
?How common methylation issues, copper overload, and pyrrole disorder is in autism families. (90 – 100 % prevalent.)
?How methylation issues, food sensitivities, copper toxicity, and pyrrole disorder is linked to autism symptoms, depression, suicide, aggression, violent behaviour, infertility, hysterectomy, cancer, self-harming behaviour, bipolar/schizophrenia.
?How bad and wrong the MTHFR myth, heavy metal detox, Medical medium, vegan or other extreme diets are for the autism community.
?How understanding bio-individuality can mean the difference between life and death in families with mental health issues.

If you have autism in the family or know or love someone who is struggling with depression, anxiety, mood swings, autism, self-harming tendencies, bipolar, or other mental health issues, you MUST join this integrative mental health summit and hear from the most cutting edge experts who fill the gaps and eliminate the missing links in the outdated approach:
Missed my first interview with Dr. Albert Mensah?
Listen to the podcast and please subscribe and give us 5 stars for this podcast on Itunes or wherever you listen to this podcast.
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