Why autism dads are heroes, Kings and “chosen ones” (and need to be treated as such).
Why men must take leadership and become role models for their children and the tribe.
How to get closer to turning autism around for your child, whether you are a hardcore sceptic, believe that this is for life or whether you have this strange feeling that you can heal your child.

The most important thing for you to know in order to be able to help your child.
Why your beliefs about autism might shape your child’s future.
The underlying issues of autism that no doctors or therapists will ever tell you about.
Some strange secrets about autism warrior moms that you need to know about autism warrior moms (especially if you are frustrated with your partner right now).
Secrets for autism dads about autism mamas (and vice versa) that might save your relationship.
How autism diets, protocols and therapies can sometimes come between you.
How we test your strength as a dad, leader and partner and how to get our admiration and respect.
Signs that you have become more feminine than masculine (trigger alert) and how to get your masculinity back.
Why the symbolic role of the masculine (hunter, gatherer, leader, protector is the secret key to success for your child’s healing journey.
My son’s transformation and why his dad was SO IMPORTANT in his journey to turn all symptoms around.
Why you will be grateful for autism one day.
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